Hmmm…I wish I had that figured out. What I do know is that absolutley EVERYTHING is not as it seems. What is Up is Down, and what’s Down is Up.
Best to travel with eyes and heart wide open.
I am passionate about discovering truths, travelling deep down rabbit holes, and over the mountain to see what’s on the other side. It’s the only way for me to find out what’s it’s TRULY all about:) AND it’s how I feel alive.
For me, Life is BEing present, BEing loving and BEing awake. Embodying empathy and compassion for all as we slog our way through our own muck. Purification is the name of my game.
Living Life to the fullest and becoming the best human BEing I can:)
As I wander along this messy, wild journey with each experience, every challenge I remind myself, above all else…
Life is Beautiful!